Investors usually ask where to find motivated sellers in hot market like Greater Austin. Here is a helpful list.
1. Place a newspaper ad (major daily) such as the Statesman.
2. Place an ad in PennySaver, ThriftyNickel, Greensheet, etc.
3. Bandit Signs
4. Drive neighborhoods looking for vacant houses/FSBOs
5. Call FSBOs
6. Search MLS for junker properties
7. Search MLS for expired listings
8. Contact landlord who are evicting a tenant
9. Contact landlords with properties for rent
10. Pre-foreclosures
11. REOs
12. Foreclosure auctions
13. HUD/VA houses
14. Tax Sales
15. Estates Sales
16. Properties with outstanding building code violations
17. Properties with outstanding health code violations
18. Condemned properties
19. Fire damaged properties
20. Out of area owners
21. Network with professionals, i.e. attorneys, CPAs, Realtors
22. Network with service people, i.e. letter carriers, pool service workers, lawn service workers, newspaper delivery person, carpet cleaning workers, plumbers, etc.
23. Bird Dogs
24. Wholesalers
25. Magnetic car signs
26. Distribute business cards..EVERYWHERE
27. Career attire (Polo shirts with embroidered “I BUY HOUSES” logo)
28. Flyers
29. Door hangers
30. Billboards
31. Radio spots
32. TV spots
33. Full page ad in the Yellow Pages