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Thursday, March 29, 2007


Austin Realtor's Wife

Haha, Mac users are people too? I thought they were snide college-aged students with nothing better to do than play on You Tube... Just Kidding! :)

You're right- people often don't realize that Apple (let alone many of the others on the list you provided) has a presence in Austin. Our city is so diverse that it is difficult to see past your own front doorstep sometimes (as life is SO busy in this town), but you've done a great job of shedding light on what a great source of work Austin really is!

I would add that this is crucial in the Real Estate world because without these contributors shipping in their executives that are bonused so generously they can afford these higher end homes, our market wouldn't be doing as phenomenally.

Keep the good posts comin'- you're a great source of factual information in a sea of opinion!

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