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Monday, May 21, 2007


Austin Realtor's Wife

Got to plug you on Inman! http://blog.inman.com/inmanblog/2007/05/is_there_any_tr.html

Jack Payne

Why is it house flipping is so widespread in Texas? Even California doesn't exceed Texas' rate of this kind of real estate dealing. Makes one wonder, what's going to happen when variable resets meet subprime?
How is this going to affect house flipping?

--Jack Payne

Dee Copeland

Texas is pretty affordable. Cities like Houston and San Antonio don't have harsh guidelines for building or rehabbing, so it's fair game for most house flippers.

Agents who don't specialize in working with investors are having a tough time getting construction loans since the subprime fall-out. In our case, we have a private lender network, so trusted investors utilize that.

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