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Thursday, December 20, 2007



Interesting. Kind of off the subject, but a colleague and I were having coffee last week and talking about the bill that was (not sure what the status is) up to stop plastic bags in Austin. So, you'd have to bring or buy your own reusable bags when you go to HEB or whatever. Sounds great to me, but I wonder how many reusable bags I'd have to buy before I started remembering to put them back in my car? *laugh* I even tried it for a week, bringing a bag with me. Half the time I forgot it, the other half of the time, the cashier was confused and put their plastic bag in my canvas bag. Small steps, right?

Dee Copeland

Hey, it's not easy when you're trying to save the world! :-)

Thanks for the comment, Candy. It's amazing what we can all do when we take small steps in the right direction.


Perhaps some Texans would be interesting in coming to a really interesting event called Energy Camp in SF right before Macworld in January of 2008. Its a free conference thats geared toward getting your business on a green path and opening up the doors to sustainability. Its being put on by Openeco.org and Sun Microsystems. Check out www.openeco.org/energycamp for "Energy Camp 08"

Dee Copeland

Thanks for the invite! That sounds interesting.

I'm on several Facebook groups for sustainability and there are so many great events coming up that I try to attend them as much as I can.

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