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Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Edward Lui

Great article Dee. I have subscribed to your blog and enjoy getting your input. I'll have to put some of these top 10 tips to work for myself!:)

Raj C.

Nice list. One thing I would add. When searching for REO properties, check the local city hall for home that have gone into foreclosure but haven’t hit the market. Getting a jump on the competition will give you a better chance at scoring a deal.

Dee Copeland

Edward, thanks for subscribing! Your blog is great.

Raj, thanks for the addition. City Hall is a great resource and I didn't really mention it. There's a lot of public records available or you can check the public notices for divorces, death notices, probate, etc.

Most of these tactics are used by investors, so I didn't think a homeowner would do that much. For investors, agents and other real estate professionals, they can really get some good deals by getting to people before they've fully decided to sell.

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