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Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Austin Lender

Congrats on the new site, I am on my way to check it out.

Curtis Reddehase

Dee, I wish you the very best in your new ventures and dirrection. You clearly have a great future in real estate development

Moniak Gupta

Investing in real estate in India is one of the most worthy things that NRIs follow.The ROI is more than 15%. Real estate in India is elevating high with people reaping profits from this sector. Since past 2-3 years, real estate has reached new highs with around 100 % to even 600% increase in the rates of both commercial and residential sector. Apt for NRIs, Royal Residency in Ludhiana by Omaxe is meant for those selective few, who have an ultra luxurious taste. Please fill in the form at http://www.omaxerr.com to know about pricing and loans

just take a look here http://www.omaxerr.com

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